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Registration |*NEW PLAYER INFO *
Commissioner Tom LaGrave
TEAMS RedWings Mud Cats Bay Sox Keys Rock Cats Iron Birds Senators Tigers Nationals Falcons Baltimore
We have served men age thirty and above for over 20 years in the Central Maryland RegionThe Ponce League currently operates in the suburbs surrounding Baltimore, Md. (Carroll, Frederick, Howard ,Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties.). We are an affiliate of the original Ponce De Leon League that currently operates in the suburbs surrounding Washington, D.C. (Fairfax County and Montgomery County). We have two seasons of play; Spring and Fall. At the present time there are over 120 Ponce players and over 8 teams in the League. In our first season in 1995 there were four teams and 40 players. No matter your level of play, you can rediscover your passion for baseball and come play ball with Ponce. Weekend LeagueRegular league games are scheduled on Sundays at 9 AM with occasional Fall league night games at Joe Cannon Stadium. There are typically ten games in a season, plus end of season playoff tournament. However the number of games may vary due to cancellations and rain outs. Weeknight League (visit Washington D.C. area league site)
REGISTRATION DEADLINEUpcoming season Information can be found at COST TO PLAYThe Registration Fee to play during the 2016 Spring Season is $170.00 .See registration details for early signup discounts. Full payment is due at the time of registration. Absolutely no one will be placed on a team unless his completed application and full payment has been received. There will be no pro rata refund of fees and no player may substitute another for himself. . We will place no more than 15 players on a team. (unless manager request to expand) We will not honor requests to be placed on a particular team if your application is received after the deadline and the requested team is already full. OFFICIAL UNIFORM INFOIn addition to the Registration Fee, all new players are required to purchase a uniform at a one time fee. All Ponce players will have the same uniform package, two jerseys (BLUE is home and GRAY is away) with pre-designated number, baseball pants, belt, socks and hat. Uniforms can be purchased from Tom LaGrave >>>> HERE <<<< Uniforms can be used recurrently in subsequent season. Cleated shoes must be worn (rubber, plastic, metal, etc. are okay). Different jerseys are worn if home or away, as shown on your game schedule. You buy the uniform once . It can be worn during all seasons, for all teams and special events/tournaments.
PAYMENT GUIDELINESFull payment is due at time of registration. The league accepts payment via credit cards, credit card payment by phone, and mailed in paper checks. We must have payment in our office one week prior to the start of the season to place you on a team. If we have not received payment in full, one week prior to the start of the season, we cannot guarantee team placement. Additionally, you will be assessed a $20 late fee. We suggest you register early to avoid problems. TEAM FORMATIONAll enrolled players will be placed on a team . Pitchers and catchers will be spread among the various teams to create balanced teams. Players requesting to play with other specific players will be accommodated as much as possible. It is your responsibility to register prior to the deadline, in order to insure yourself a roster space. AGE REQUIREMENTSYou must be a minimum 30 to play, there is no maximum age .You MUST be age 36 or older to pitch. GAMESAll teams are scheduled for 10 games, with the 10th game being the first round of the end of season single elimination tournament. We will try to make up rainouts where possible.INNING AND TIME LIMITGames are scheduled for 9 innings. No new innings will start after 2 hours and 50 minutes. An inning that is started must be completed. One extra inning if game is tied after the 9th inning and at least 20 minutes of playing time remains. PRACTICESThere are no scheduled practices for any team during the playing season. UMPIRESAll games are umpired. If interested in umpiring, please call Ponce de Leon at (703) 346-3447 or email us at poncebaseball@gmail.com Umpiring can be fun, satisfying and economically rewarding.
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